Author: Khatera

Your business needs a name, doesn't it? Decide on a company name that really captures the essence of your new company.   You can be literal or a bit more metaphorical. Just remember, there are a few restrictions when it comes to deciding on a company name.   Any company...

Right, so you've decided that a limited company is the right corporate structure for you. It's a popular company structure for a reason, after all.   One big advantage is that a limited company structure clearly separates your personal finances and your business. In essence, your limited company becomes...

Company incorporation in the UK is the legal process of forming a new company as a separate legal entity from its owners. This involves registering the company with Companies House, the official register of companies in the UK.   Once incorporated, the company is recognised as a distinct...

Companies House has recently introduced a new identity verification process to help deter those wishing to use companies for illegal purposes.     For new companies, all directors and people with significant control (PSCs) will need to complete identity verification.  For existing companies, all directors (or equivalent)...