Charitable Company

A charitable company is a company limited by guarantee and does not have a share capital. If a company is incorporated for charitable purposes the Charities Commission will examine the memorandum and articles to ensure that the company has been set up correctly and will be run solely for non-profit making purposes with the proceeds only to be used for the purpose of the charity.

M&N Group have a set of Memorandum and Articles approved by the Charities Commission and we can also assist with registering the company at the Charities Commission.

Check the availability of your proposed name using our free Company Name Check.

The statutory package for a Charitable Company includes:

  • Original Certificate of Incorporation
  • 2 bound copies of the Articles of Association
  • Draft minutes of the first board meeting
  • Statutory Books
  • Membership Certificates

Whether you are just about to set up a company or need assistance with the ongoing compliance requirements of your existing company

call us now on 020 8974 5252 or fill up this form:

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