Legalation & Notarisation


When you need to use a document in a different country to where it was issued, you can’t simply hand it over. Most countries require a chain of evidence to prove that a document can be trusted. This process is called Legalisation.

The legalisation process carried out by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office is official confirmation that the signature, seal or stamp appearing on your document is genuine.

M&N can provide either a standard day service (which usually takes 7 – 10 working days) or for the more urgent time sensitive requirements, we can provide a same day premium service through the London Office.

Upon completion by the FCO, we can further process the documents if required via any Chamber of Commerce, Embassy or Consulate.


A Notary Public is a public official and qualified lawyer appointed by the Court of Faculties of the Archbishop of Canterbury to verify aspects of a legal transaction. A Notary may verify an original document or a copy, a company or an individual. When the document has been notarised, they typically prepare a notarial certificate reciting statements concerning the verification. This notarial certificate is then sealed and bound securely with ribbon to the document that they are notarising.

M&N works closely with a variety of Public Notaries.

To obtain a quote, please email with a copy of the document to be notarised or legalised and provide the country the doument will be used in.

Whether you are just about to set up a company or need assistance with the ongoing compliance requirements of your existing company

call us now on 020 8974 5252 or fill up this form:

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