Company Limited by Guarantee

A company limited by guarantee does not have a share capital. Each member undertakes to contribute to the assets of the company up to an agreed amount not normally exceeding £1.00 in the event of its winding up or liquidation. They normally have a non-profit making purpose and are used by associations and charities.

Certain non-profit making companies limited by guarantee are permitted to omit the word ‘limited’ from the company name. However, the fact that the company is limited must be disclosed on letterheads and order forms.

M&N Group can draft articles to suit any specific needs.

Check the availability of your proposed name using our free Company Name Check

The Statutory Package for Companies Limited by Guarantee includes:

  • Original Certificate of Incorporation
  • 2 bound copies of the Articles of Association
  • Draft minutes of the first board meeting
  • Statutory Books
  • Membership Certificates

Whether you are just about to set up a company or need assistance with the ongoing compliance requirements of your existing company

call us now on 020 8974 5252 or fill up this form:

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