Your Private Limited Company’s Registers

Your Private Limited Company’s Registers

Limited companies are legally required to maintain certain statutory registers:-

  • Register of applications and allotments
  • Register of directors and secretary
  • Register of charges
  • Register of members and share ledger
  • Register of transfers
  • PSC register

The registers need to be maintained and updated when any changes occur by a director or a company secretary. You can keep the registers at the company’s registered office address or if that is not convenient at a single alternative inspection location (SAIL). If you are not keeping you company’s registers at the registered office you will need to notify Companies House of the SAIL location. The SAIL location must be in the UK and you must specify which registers are held there.

The registers must be made available for inspection to members of the public upon request and adequate notice must be given to the company. The normal notice period is 10 days but can be 2 days in the case of a member requesting to inspect the registers during the notice period calling a general meeting. You can keep your registers in a paper based form, electronically or use both methods if it is preferred.

M & N Group have extensive experience of maintaining statutory registers and records for all types of companies. We also provide registered office facilities for companies looking for a registered office address, SAIL location or just need assistance with their company’s statutory registers.


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